ServiceNow vs. Freshservice

Brenda Gratas December 6, 2022
- 15 min read

Are you looking for a head-to-head comparison of ServiceNow vs. Freshservice to determine the ideal IT Service Management (ITSM) solution for your organization? Choosing the right platform is crucial for businesses striving to deliver seamless IT services and enhance customer experiences. 

ServiceNow and Freshservice are two prominent contenders in the ITSM market, each offering unique features and capabilities to meet diverse business needs.

In this blog post, we’ll comprehensively compare ServiceNow vs. Freshservice, highlighting their strengths, weaknesses, and standout features. And if you think they don’t align with your requirements, we'll introduce you to InvGate Service Desk, an alternative service desk software that might just fit the bill.

Table of contents


  • ServiceNow distinguishes itself with continuous enhancements and strong integrations, but faces challenges in terms of expensive licensing fees, a steep learning curve, customization of workflows, and delays in implementation.
  • Freshservice is valued for its ticketing, customer support, knowledge base, automation, and mobile app; but concerns arise regarding stability issues, limited reporting, pricing, customization, integration challenges, and search functionality.
  • On the flip side, InvGate Service Desk offers a seamless ITSM setup experience, adaptable deployment options, powerful ticketing and incident management features, and self-service capabilities that prioritize cost-effectiveness and innovation.

Want the short version? Pick InvGate Service Desk and start handling tickets in a day

We tried to be as thorough as possible, but if you don't have enough time to read it through and through, here's (another) TL;DR: InvGate Service Desk can do everything we say here, and you can test it right away for free for 30 days.

Most looked-at features by buyers

During the ITSM tool comparison process, users often prioritize the exploration of these key features:

  1. Ticketing system - Buyers value a comprehensive ticketing system as part of their help desk software to enable efficient tracking, assignment, and resolution of customer inquiries and support requests.

  2. Self-service portal - The self-service portal is a crucial feature for buyers as it empowers end-users to resolve common issues independently.

  3. Support automation and Workflow Management - Automation capabilities are highly sought-after by buyers as they enable the automation of routine tasks, such as ticket routing, approvals, and escalations

  4. Asset Management functionalities - Users look for functionalities to help them maintain accurate inventory and optimize resource utilization.

  5. Reporting and analytics - Buyers value robust reporting tools like dashboards and reports to gain insights into IT operations and performance.

  6. Integration capabilities - Integration with other systems and applications is crucial for buyers to ensure seamless data flow and process automation. 

  7. Customization and flexibility - Buyers appreciate tools offering customization options to tailor the platform to their business needs. 

What is ServiceNow?

Example of ServiceNow's interface.

ServiceNow is a prominent cloud-based platform provider that streamlines IT Service Management (ITSM) and digital workflows for organizations. It is dedicated to simplifying and automating IT operations, enhancing customer experiences, and driving digital transformation for businesses.

Founded in 2004 and headquartered in Santa Clara, California, ServiceNow offers a comprehensive suite of cloud-based solutions catering to various enterprise operations. Their offerings include IT Service Management, IT Operations Management, IT Business Management, Customer Service Management, Human Resources Service Delivery, Security Operations, and more. Strategic partnerships with industry-leading companies like NVIDIA and Juniper Networks support their strong market presence.

What users like from ServiceNow

Customers have highlighted numerous positive aspects of ServiceNow based on analysis from reputable sources such as Gartner and G2. Here are some benefits mentioned.

  • New product enhancements - ServiceNow consistently releases enhancements through acquisitions and native development. Their clear product roadmap provides customers with visibility into upcoming features and improvements.

  • Expanded usage beyond ITSM - Customers not only utilize ServiceNow for ITSM but also extend its use to other areas like HR, CEC, GRC, and ITOM. 

  • Growing user community - It is highly relevant in the industry and has a rapidly expanding community of users. Many customers become aware of or gain experience with the product through recommendations from their peers. 

  • Native AI capabilities - ServiceNow harnesses the power of AI and machine learning to offer built-in AI capabilities. These include virtual Agent chatbots and predictive intelligence.

  • Cloud-based platform - This approach allows organizations scalability, flexibility, and accessibility from any location.

  • Integration capabilities - Its features enable seamless integration with other systems and applications.

What users don’t like from ServiceNow

Although ServiceNow has many strengths and positive aspects, customers have also expressed their concerns and dislikes about certain aspects of the platform. Based on analysis from reputable sources such as Gartner and G2, here are some of the dislikes mentioned.

  • High licensing costs and potential additional expenses -  ServiceNow's functionality and advanced features come at a cost. Licensing fees can be significant, particularly for organizations that require other platform capabilities beyond ITSM. Combined with potential additional costs for customizations or specialized modules, the overall cost of ownership can be significant.

  • Renewal leverage concerns - ServiceNow's dominance in the market can affect customers' ability to renegotiate contracts without impacting their existing discounts. 

  • Limited emerging market presence - ServiceNow has a restricted presence in certain emerging markets, with fewer local offices and a lack of hosting options in regions like the Middle East.

  • Steep learning curve and complexity for new users - Some users find ServiceNow's platform to have a steep learning curve, especially when trying to use its more advanced features. The system's complexity may require additional training and resources to ensure users can fully leverage the tool's capabilities.

  • Challenges in customizing workflows and processes - The platform may have limitations in flexibility and customization options, making it challenging for organizations to tailor the system to their specific needs and unique business processes.

  • Difficulties and delays during implementation - Organizations may face issues with configuration, data migration, or integrating the platform with existing systems, leading to a longer implementation timeline.

  • Mixed feedback on customer support - Some users have reported concerns about response times and accessibility.

What’s ServiceNow’s argument over Freshservice?

ServiceNow presents several key arguments over Freshservice, highlighting its strengths and differentiators.

  1. Enterprise-grade scalability and flexibility - ServiceNow positions itself as an enterprise-level solution that can scale and adapt to the evolving needs of large organizations. 

  2. A comprehensive suite of integrated solutions - ServiceNow promotes its platform that goes beyond ITSM. It offers a wide range of modules and functionalities, including HR Service Delivery, Customer Service Management (CEC), Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC), and IT Operations Management (ITOM). This integration eliminates the need for separate tools or disparate systems, streamlining processes and improving cross-functional collaboration.

  3. Advanced automation and AI capabilities - ServiceNow highlights its native AI capabilities, leveraging machine learning and AI technologies to automate routine tasks, provide intelligent recommendations, and enhance the user experience. 

  4. Robust integration and ecosystem - ServiceNow emphasizes its strong integration capabilities and extensive ecosystem of third-party applications and integrations. It offers pre-built connectors and APIs that facilitate seamless integration with external systems.

  5. Market dominance and relevance - ServiceNow's market leadership and strong presence in the ITSM space are key arguments in its favor. The company highlights its large customer base, growing community, and market recognition as indicators of its proven track record and industry relevance. 

  6. Vendor maturity and roadmap - ServiceNow emphasizes its maturity as a vendor with a well-defined product roadmap. It highlights its consistent release of new features and enhancements, often through acquisitions and native development, ensuring customers can access the latest industry trends, innovations, and improvements.

What is Freshservice?


Freshservice is a cloud-based IT Service Management (ITSM) solution tailored for small to medium-sized businesses and enterprises. It equips organizations with the tools to efficiently manage IT assets, resolve incidents and service requests, automate workflows, and maintain a robust knowledge base

With its user-friendly interface and a Gartner rating of 4.5 out of 5, Freshservice is a reliable choice for organizations looking to optimize their IT operations and deliver exceptional employee service.

Freshworks, the company behind Freshservice, was established in 2010 and is headquartered in San Mateo, California, USA. 

What users like from Freshservice

Analysis from reputable sources like Gartner and G2 has shed light on the positive aspects of Freshservice, as acknowledged by its customers. Here are some of the benefits that have been highlighted.

  • Easy-to-use interface - Users appreciate Freshservice’s user-friendly interface, which makes it intuitive and straightforward to navigate, maximizing productivity.

  • Ticketing system - Its ticketing system receives positive feedback for efficient ticket management, tracking, and collaboration, ensuring prompt resolution of customer queries and issues.

  • Automation and workflow management - Users highlight its automation capabilities, streamlining processes and improving efficiency through workflows, automated responses, and escalations.

  • Knowledge base - This feature is highly regarded, empowering customers to find self-help resources and reducing the need for repetitive support requests.

  • Customer support - Users appreciate the responsive and helpful customer support provided by Freshworks, with knowledgeable support teams quickly addressing concerns.

  • Mobile app - Its mobile app is convenient for accessing and managing tickets on the go, providing a similar user experience to the web version and enabling efficient remote support.

What users don’t like from Freshservice

While Freshservice has several strengths and positive attributes, customers have not been without their concerns and dislikes about specific aspects of the platform. After analyzing reputable sources like Gartner and G2, here are some of the dislikes that have been raised.

  • Limited reporting and analytics - Several users mention that Freshservice’s reporting capabilities could be improved, with limited options available. They desire more advanced reporting features to analyze and visualize data effectively.

  • Limited customization - Some users feel that Freshservice lacks customization options, particularly in ticketing workflows and interface personalization, and would like more flexibility to tailor the platform to their specific needs.

  • Pricing structure - Some users express concerns about its pricing structure, finding it expensive, particularly when additional features or Agent licenses are required. They desire more transparent pricing and more flexible pricing options.

  • Platform stability - Some users have encountered stability issues, including occasional system glitches, slow performance, and downtime, which can disrupt workflow and impact productivity.

  • Integration challenges - Users have reported facing challenges when it comes to integrating it with third-party tools or systems. 

  • Search functionality - Some users have experienced difficulties with this feature, making it challenging to find specific information or tickets, and leading to inefficiencies and frustrations.

  • Steep learning curve for advanced features - Some users have encountered difficulties navigating and utilizing the advanced features, despite finding the basic features user-friendly.

What’s Freshservice’s argument over ServiceNow?

Freshservice presents a compelling argument over ServiceNow in the competitive landscape of ITSM solutions. Here are some key advantages and distinctions.

  1. Simplicity and ease of use - Freshservice is a user-friendly solution with an intuitive interface that is easy to navigate. It emphasizes its straightforward setup process, allowing users to quickly get started and maximize productivity without extensive training or technical expertise.

  2. Cost-effective pricing - Freshservice highlights its pricing structure as a competitive advantage, offering more affordable options than ServiceNow. 

  3. Quick implementation and time to value - Freshservice emphasizes its swift implementation process, allowing organizations to start using the platform and benefiting from its features relatively quickly. 

  4. Intuitive ticketing system and collaboration tools - Freshservice strongly emphasizes its ticketing system, highlighting its efficiency in managing and tracking tickets throughout the resolution process. 

  5. Customization and flexibility - Freshservice promotes customization options, allowing users to tailor the platform to their needs. It provides flexibility in ticketing workflows, interface personalization, and configuration settings.

  6. Responsive customer support - Freshservice highlights its responsive and knowledgeable customer support teams as a key differentiator. It aims to provide timely assistance and resolutions to customer inquiries and concerns, ensuring a positive support experience and maintaining strong customer relationships.

  7. Focus on IT Service Management - Freshservice positions itself as a specialized Service Management solution, focusing on providing comprehensive features and functionalities specifically designed for IT service teams. 

Considering InvGate Service Desk as an ITSM solution alternative

When comparing InvGate Service Desk as an alternative ITSM solution to ServiceNow and Freshservice, several key talking points highlight the unique benefits of InvGate's products. Here are some of the most beneficial aspects of InvGate Service Desk to consider.

1. Intuitive and user-friendly interface

InvGate Service Desk boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for both IT teams and end-users to navigate and utilize the platform. The streamlined design and intuitive workflows ensure a smooth and efficient user experience, minimizing the learning curve for new users.


2. Powerful Ticketing and Incident Management

InvGate Service Desk offers robust Ticketing and Incident Management capabilities. It enables efficient ticket tracking, collaboration, and resolution, ensuring that IT teams can effectively manage and prioritize incidents to deliver prompt support and resolution to end users. The platform's advanced features, such as automated routing, customizable workflows, and SLA Management, enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of Incident Management processes.


3. Customization and flexibility

Screenshot of InvGate Service Desk's no-code workflow builder.InvGate Service Desk provides a high level of customization and flexibility, allowing organizations to tailor the platform to their specific needs and unique workflows. Administrators can easily configure and adapt the system to align with their IT processes and business requirements, enabling a more personalized ITSM experience.

4. Comprehensive reporting and analytics

InvGate Service Desk offers comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities, empowering organizations to gain valuable insights into their IT operations and performance. The platform provides a wide range of pre-built reports and dashboards and the flexibility to create custom reports, enabling IT teams to analyze data, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions for continuous service improvement.

InvGate Service Desk's customizable dashboard view.

5. Self-service capabilities

InvGate Service Desk includes robust self-service capabilities, such as a user-friendly self-service portal, a comprehensive IT service catalog, and a knowledge base. These features empower end-users to find answers to common issues independently, access a wide range of IT services, and leverage self-help resources, reducing the burden on IT teams and improving overall efficiency.


6. AI-powered features

InvGate Service Desk leverages AI-powered features, such as Support Assist and AI-Improved Responses. Support Assist uses machine learning algorithms to automate ticket categorization and routing, improving Ticket Management efficiency. Response Suggestions utilizes AI to assist agents when replying to tickets, saving time and enhancing the quality of customer interactions.

7. Cost-effective solution

Compared to ServiceNow and Freshservice, InvGate Service Desk offers a cost-effective solution without compromising functionality. It provides a robust set of ITSM features and capabilities at a competitive price point, making it an attractive option for organizations seeking a balance between affordability and functionality.

8. Comprehensive Asset Management

InvGate Service Desk is a fit-for-purpose Service Desk solution with integrated Asset Management, allowing organizations to track and manage their IT assets throughout their lifecycle effectively. It contains features such as IT Asset Discovery, Inventory Management, Software License Management, and maintenance scheduling. 


Next steps

Selecting the right ITSM solution is a critical decision that can significantly impact your organization's IT service delivery and overall success. By taking the time to evaluate your options thoroughly, you'll be well on your way to implementing a solution that best meets your needs.

To gain a deeper understanding of how InvGate Service Desk, book a meeting with our experts. We're here to assist you throughout the process!

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