Asset Location Tracking: Keeping a Detailed Record of your Asset’s Placement

ITSM: The Definitive Guide
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Asset location tracking is an essential part of IT Asset Management since it allows organizations to track their IT assets’ location. Thanks to the digital workplace, organizations are used to having part of their staff in remote places or even traveling for different reasons. And as a consequence, these employees usually have IT assets filled with company information (often times confidential) that travel with them across the globe.

So, being able to track the devices' geolocation is crucial to retrieve them in case of misplacement. This is something that InvGate Asset Management, as your ITAM solution, includes. And we’re about to see how it works.



Asset location tracking with InvGate Asset Management 

See the geolocation in the asset's profile.

Tracking assets’ locations with InvGate Asset Management can be done in a matter of minutes. To be able to perform the task, your company devices must have the Agent previously installed. That will ensure you that the assets are periodically reporting information to our platform – including geolocation data.

If that’s the case, all you need to do is login to InvGate Asset Management, go to the Assets menu, and search for the asset you’re interested in. At this point, you can look it up by using several criteria (by owner, serial number, brand, model, etc.).

Once you find the device you’re looking for, enter to its profile and check out the map along with the location information. And you’re done! No more looking everywhere to find a device – or even worse: losing them!


The bottom line

Asset location tracking is an excellent way to always be aware of your fleet’s location, be able to track it down whenever you need, and be able to track it down whenever you need.

If you don’t have InvGate Asset Management’s Agent installed on all your company IT assets already, what are you waiting for? You’ll be able to know their last known location by just clicking on their profile.

Ask for our 30-day free trial and see it for yourself. You won’t regret it!