Hardware Tracking: Why it Matters And How to Implement it

Natalí Valle October 10, 2024
- 11 min read

Keeping your IT infrastructure organized and functioning well requires several systems, and hardware tracking is one of them.

Managing the location, condition, and lifecycle of hardware assets like computers, servers, and networking equipment can be challenging. Without proper tracking, organizations often face unexpected costs, underutilized resources, and compliance issues. But with the right system in place, hardware tracking can be straightforward and highly beneficial.

In this article, we'll explore best practices for hardware tracking, explain how to implement an effective solution, and examine the specific benefits of using a specialized tool like InvGate Asset Management.

What is hardware tracking?

Hardware tracking refers to the process of monitoring the physical assets within your IT infrastructure. This includes keeping tabs on the location, user assignment, status, and lifecycle of all hardware devices like computers, printers, servers, and more. Tracking systems collect data on these assets to provide an accurate, up-to-date view of your hardware inventory at all times.

In modern organizations, where IT infrastructure spans multiple departments and locations, hardware tracking goes beyond basic inventory management. It ensures that assets are being utilized effectively, minimizes the risk of loss, and helps IT teams stay proactive by identifying potential issues before they escalate.

Why do you need hardware tracking?

Tracking your hardware isn't just about knowing where devices are. It offers several essential advantages that directly impact the efficiency, security, and financial health of your organization:

1. Maintain control over your IT assets

As businesses grow, so does the complexity of managing hardware. Without a reliable tracking system, it becomes nearly impossible to know the status and location of every asset.

This lack of visibility often leads to inefficient use of equipment, with devices sitting idle or even going missing. A comprehensive hardware tracking system helps maintain control, so you know exactly where your assets are, who’s using them, and whether they're performing as expected.

2. Prevent unnecessary spending

Without proper tracking, organizations often purchase new hardware unnecessarily simply because they can’t locate existing assets or don’t realize they’re underutilizing what they already have.

Keeping detailed records of your hardware allows you to avoid wasteful purchases, redistribute underutilized assets, and plan ahead for hardware refreshes or upgrades.

3. Ensure compliance and security

Many industries have strict compliance requirements that mandate keeping detailed records of hardware usage and ownership.

Additionally, hardware that goes untracked poses a security risk, especially if devices hold sensitive data. Implementing a hardware tracking system ensures that you’re able to meet audit requirements and that any lost or stolen equipment can be quickly identified and addressed.

4. Streamline operations and minimize downtime

An effective hardware tracking system gives you insight into the health and performance of your devices.

It allows your IT team to monitor the condition of hardware assets, making it easier to detect issues early, schedule maintenance, and prevent unexpected breakdowns that could disrupt business operations.

5. Simplify lifecycle management

Hardware has a limited lifespan, and tracking the lifecycle of each device—from acquisition to decommissioning—is essential.

A good tracking system helps manage warranties, handle asset depreciation, and plan for end-of-life disposal, ensuring that you’re fully optimizing your IT investments.

How to implement hardware tracking

When you're ready to implement hardware tracking, the right tool can make all the difference. InvGate Asset Management offers a robust platform that simplifies the entire process of tracking hardware, from assigning assets to monitoring their use. Here’s how you can use it to manage hardware effectively:

1. Tag your assets with QR codes or smart tags

InvGate Asset Management makes it easy to generate and assign QR codes or smart tags to each piece of hardware. This gives you instant access to the location, user assignment, and status of each asset.

Using these codes also speeds up the auditing process, as IT teams can quickly scan the asset to retrieve its details without needing to manually search through records.

2. Real-time tracking with automated data collection

With the InvGate Asset Management Agent, you can automatically gather real-time data about your hardware, including system health, software installations, and usage patterns.

This eliminates the need for manual updates and allows your team to monitor performance at all times. If a device starts to malfunction, the system will alert you, giving you the chance to address issues before they lead to downtime.


3. User and location tracking

One of the standout features of InvGate Asset Management is its ability to track not just the hardware itself but also the users and locations associated with each device.

This integration helps IT teams keep track of where each asset is located and who is responsible for it. Such data is critical in environments where devices are frequently moved or shared across different departments.

4. Manual import for non-networked assets

For assets that aren’t connected to your network, InvGate allows for manual data imports. You can easily upload CSV or XLS files to add details about hardware that isn’t trackable through automated means, ensuring that all assets are accounted for.

This feature is especially useful for peripheral equipment or items that don’t require constant monitoring but still need to be inventoried.

5. Track the full hardware lifecycle

InvGate Asset Management helps you manage hardware through every stage of its lifecycle. You can log when a device was purchased, track its maintenance history, and plan for its decommissioning when it’s no longer useful.

This holistic view of the asset lifecycle ensures that you’re maximizing the value of each hardware investment.

6. Set health rules and create alerts

InvGate lets you set health rules and alerts, which is an important step in implementing hardware tracking and having a proactive approach to Asset Management.

Health rules allow you to define parameters that monitor the condition and status of your assets based on criticality levels. These rules make it easier to identify potential issues by tracking changes in your hardware's status, enabling you to take timely action.

Creating alerts complements health rules by notifying you of specific changes or events. Whether it's a change in asset location, a status modification, or a performance dip, alerts keep you informed and ensure that nothing goes unnoticed in your hardware tracking process.


7. Actionable reporting and analytics

The platform’s robust reporting capabilities allow you to generate custom reports on hardware utilization, maintenance schedules, and asset performance.

These reports give your IT team the insights needed to make data-driven decisions about hardware purchases, upgrades, or reallocations. The ability to view trends and analytics in real-time ensures you’re not only reacting to issues but also planning proactively.

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Best practices for hardware tracking

To implement hardware tracking effectively, it's important to follow best practices that cover everything from data collection to lifecycle management. Here are the key practices to consider:

1. Standardize asset tagging

Start by assigning a unique identifier to each piece of hardware. This can be a barcode, QR code, or RFID tag that is attached to the device and logged in your tracking system.

Standardizing this process ensures that every asset is easily traceable. It's also important to make sure that your tags can withstand the physical environment where the hardware is used, especially if it’s mobile or exposed to rough handling.

2. Automate wherever possible

Manually tracking hardware can lead to errors and wasted time. Automation tools can help reduce the burden on your IT team by automatically collecting data on hardware status, usage, and location.

For example, use systems that integrate with your network to track device performance and report issues in real-time. Automating as much of the process as possible will improve accuracy and efficiency.

3. Centralize data in one system

It's critical to have a single system that consolidates all hardware data. This includes details such as purchase dates, assigned users, maintenance schedules, and warranty status.

A centralized system ensures that all stakeholders have access to up-to-date information, which reduces the risk of errors and allows for better decision-making.

4. Conduct regular audits

Even with a good tracking system, it's important to audit your hardware inventory periodically. Audits help you ensure that assets are where they’re supposed to be and are being used as intended. Regular audits also allow you to spot discrepancies, outdated records, or missing devices before they become larger problems.

5. Track the full lifecycle

From acquisition to retirement, it's crucial to follow each asset through its lifecycle. Keep records of when the hardware was purchased, how long it’s been in use, and when it’s due for replacement.

This enables you to plan for upgrades or disposals, ensuring you always have a clear picture of your inventory status and performance.

Benefits of specialized hardware tracking tools

The use of dedicated tools for hardware tracking, like InvGate Asset Management, provides clear advantages over traditional methods such as spreadsheets. Here are some key benefits:

1. Improved accuracy and efficiency

Manual methods like spreadsheets leave too much room for error. Dedicated tools provide real-time tracking and automation, significantly reducing the chances of mistakes or outdated information. This allows IT teams to work more efficiently and confidently manage large inventories.

2. Automation of routine tasks

Spreadsheets require manual updates, which become increasingly difficult as your inventory grows. Automated asset management tools handle routine tasks like tracking hardware performance, updating records, and generating reports, freeing up your IT team to focus on higher-priority tasks.

3. Scalability

As organizations expand, their hardware needs evolve. Spreadsheets don’t scale well when managing hundreds or thousands of assets. A specialized tool can accommodate a growing inventory effortlessly, ensuring that your tracking system remains effective as the organization grows.

4. Better security and compliance

Tracking hardware manually can lead to discrepancies in records, which may become problematic during an audit. Asset management tools maintain accurate, detailed logs of all actions taken with each device, helping your organization stay compliant with internal and external regulations.


Hardware tracking is essential for any organization looking to optimize its IT operations. From maintaining control over your assets to preventing unnecessary spending, tracking hardware provides numerous benefits that help organizations operate more efficiently.

While spreadsheets may have been a common solution in the past, they simply can't match the accuracy, automation, and scalability offered by dedicated hardware tracking tools like InvGate Asset Management.

Implementing a robust system not only ensures your hardware is managed effectively but also empowers your team with the insights and control needed to make strategic IT decisions.

InvGate Asset Management can be the solution you need. Request a 30-day free trial and see for yourself! Remember that all the data you include at this stage can later be turned into your working instance.

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