Women of ITSM: A Community For Sharing, Growing, And Learning

Ignacio Graglia June 14, 2024
- 7 min read

There's a reality we can't deny and that we have to face as a community if we want to grow in a healthy and constructive environment: The IT industry is largely dominated by men. And IT Service Management (ITSM) is no exception. 

Acknowledging this gap involves recognizing that there are constant challenges and obstacles that affect (and, in some cases, harm) women working in the industry.

Fortunately, new and necessary spaces are emerging, especially designed by and for women, allowing them to share, grow, and learn together. Women of ITSM is one of them.

The platform was created and is led by Lucy Grimwade (Service Management Consultant) and Sophie Hussey (ITSM and Leadership Consultant and Mentor), whom we invited to our Ticket Volume podcast to discuss what led them to creating this platform.

During the episode, they discussed the current state of the IT industry, and particularly the ITSM environment, and how important it is to build bonds within the community. Plus, they shared the exciting details of Women of ITSM.

Read on to discover the main highlights of Episode 81!



Women of ITSM: What, who, and why 

So, what exactly is Women of ITSM? Designed by Lucy and Sophie, this new initiative looks to be a platform for women working in ITSM to share experiences and knowledge in a protected and supportive environment. 

Sophie explained that the main goals that guided her interest as follows:



"I’ve been working in tech since I was 21. I’ve dealt with misogyny, sexism, discrimination, harassment. There have been so many situations where I’m in a room and the men get listened to and I’m not. And I had to learn how to assert myself so that I can progress. And the thing that I learned in the past few years, I want to give back."

Sophie Hussey 
ITSM and Leadership Consultant and Mentor 
Episode 81 of Ticket Volume

During the conversation, Lucy shared the same view as Sophie regarding how the IT world unfolds. She emphasized that, even in 2024, situations occur that put them to the test and justify the creation of this space.

The guest also recalled the exact moment when the platform appeared to her as a necessity:



"We were at SITS (Service Desk & IT Support Show) this year. And somebody said to Sophie and I, 'I didn’t know that women like you existed.'

That for me was like, 'Well, this is why we have to do Women of ITSM.' It’s because other women like us. We just want to get that ladder and just bring that ladder down and be, 'Come on over, come with us, we’ve got you.'"

Lucy Grimwade 
Service Management Consultant 
Episode 81 of Ticket Volume

There are more reasons behind the emergence of this platform. On one hand, it's an attempt to bring this world and its particularities closer to more women, with the certainty that there is space for them and for future generations. 

On the other hand, it proposes itself as a space to demystify the IT world and to demonstrate that this spectrum is not only inhabited by people dedicated to programming, but on the contrary, there are other roles and a world of possibilities worth considering.

Who can join the platform?

Short answer? Everyone. Well, it's specifically designed for anyone who identifies as a woman to participate, but it's an absolutely inclusive community. The door is open for anyone who wants to collaborate in building a more inclusive, collaborative, and human Service Management. So, male allies are 100% welcomed.

Something else also worth mentioning is that it's not strictly necessary to have a pre-existing journey in the industry. Those who are taking their first steps in ITSM or are at a crossroads in their professional careers are also welcome. The idea is for everyone to find a space to share and grow.

Last year, Abby Sininger, a young and enthusiastic women taking her first steps in ITSM, came onto the podcast and shared her journey into how she became a help desk technician. So, make sure to check out the episode to hear first-hand how she was able to make her way into the industry.

What can I expect from Women of ITSM?

The only thing that is for sure at the moment is that the platform will have a membership system through a website. The general membership will be free and open to the entire community, and will contain templates, tutorials, and resources of all kinds. They will also receive a weekly newsletter with the latest updates from the platform.

Users who decide to opt for paid membership will receive mentoring, coaching, and access to a job board with different job postings. There are two other contents that paid members can participate in: a magazine with interviews with personalities from the ITSM world, and monthly webinars, designed for those who wish to promote their business and offer valuable content.

Looking into future steps, both guests have a lot of expectations placed on the scalability of Women of ITSM. Plus, according to Lucy and Sophie, the website will be ready in the next few days, and will contain a series of useful resources for those who are part of the community. So be sure to check it out!

Final thoughts

Episode 81 of Ticket Volume addressed an important topic in the industry: the gender gap and the difficulties women face in Service Management. We had the opinion, experience, and advice of two fantastic leaders in the field. 

They didn't only add value to the discussion but also invited us to participate in Women of ITSM, a space, a platform, and a community designed to share and grow in an environment of trust and support.

You can access the full episode on Apple PodcastsSpotifyYouTube, or your favorite podcast platform.

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