InvGate Service Desk Tasks Module: Divide Efforts and Conquer

Sabrina Pagnotta July 18, 2018
- 3 min read

Everybody knows it: solving a request isn’t always a matter of executing a single action. Sometimes it takes the joint efforts of different people simultaneously, and it can be difficult to have visibility over each person's contribution without generating specific reports. That's why we created the InvGate Service Desk Tasks module, available as of version 5.7.0, which allows you to atomize the work to be done in a request or in the execution of a workflow.

Suppose that an end user generates a service request that is assigned to an agent; traditionally this agent had to watch over the resolution or re-assign it to another person, but now they can use this new feature to create associated tasks, which must be done by other agents, without the need to re-assign. The tasks will be included within the original request and will have an assigned person responsible and an expiration date, so that everyone can follow up.

In this way, the necessary efforts to find the solution are divided, just as in the Roman Empire where they applied the principle "divide and conquer" to split big structures into smaller groups. Only they followed that logic to conquer territories... but we propose using it to conquer your customers, solving their requests in an increasingly efficient way (please don’t start a war on the service desk!).

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Tasks can be created on-the-fly within a request or in a workflow, and the time used in its resolution is added to the total work time of the request. Let's see how to create them in each case.

How to create tasks in requests

The procedure is very simple: you just have to go to the request in question and click on "Tasks" in the actions bar. Write in a name and press Enter; complete the fields for selecting a due date and time, and a responsible user. That’s all, it’s that simple.


How to create tasks in workflows

We’ve created a new type of stage available in the configuration of a workflow, destined to the creation of tasks.


Once you have chosen this stage, you must configure the following parameters:


  1. Responsible for the stage: Decide whether the person in charge of supervising the execution of the stage will be a specific user or one defined dynamically during the workflow.
  2. Allow dynamic tasks creation: If you enable this option, it will be possible to create tasks during the execution of the workflow, independently of those that were defined in this configuration.
  3. New task: This button allows you to add tasks. Clicking it will display the fields to enter a name, due date (related to the execution start) and the person responsible.

Remember that in both requests and workflows you can create as many tasks as necessary. Once defined, they will help you track your requests and increase the visibility of your team's joint efforts.

Not yet tried InvGate Service Desk Tasks Module yet? Give it a go, and please tell us what you think!

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Read other articles like this : ticketing system, Service desk, ITSM, Request Management, Tasks

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