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Liliana Gary

Liliana Gary is a seasoned business executive and the President of InvGate, a leading provider of IT service management solutions. With a strong background in finance and accounting, Liliana brings a unique perspective to her role. She has extensive experience in developing and implementing successful business strategies, driving growth, and improving operational efficiencies. Liliana is known for her innovative thinking and her ability to lead teams towards achieving common goals. She is dedicated to creating a positive and collaborative work environment, where employees can thrive and succeed. Under her leadership, InvGate has grown significantly, expanding its reach to new markets and establishing itself as a leader in the IT service management space. In addition to her work at InvGate, Liliana is also a sought-after speaker and thought leader in the industry. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge and experience with others, and helping to drive positive change in the technology sector.
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